We have had a wonderful summer here in the sunny BOP but now we move towards Winter and it’s important that we start to support our immune systems better, to ensure our families remain in tip top health through the winter.
Read moreChiropractic - To boost human performance
With the new year well and truly underway many people may have ventured down the path of being more active and exercising regularly. We are also approaching the time when many winter sports are starting up again, even if it is only pre-season training.
We’ve known for a long time now that chiropractic care is not only very helpful in allowing the body to heal and regulate itself more efficiently, but we also know that it helps the body perform better.
Read moreBack to School
It’s that time of year again. The majority of schools have started back up and your daily routine can finally return to normal during this often-stressful period of the year!
New teachers, friends, stationary and uniforms are just some of the changes that many children are currently facing in these first few weeks back and the question I am asking today is how can we make this year better than the last? And how can we better their schooling year?
Read moreBreastfeeding Difficulty
The benefits of breastfeeding are many. They include: nutritional, immunological, cognitive, decreased morbidity and mortality, analgesic effects, decreased costs (products, healthcare), decreased risk of allergy, and improved jaw development and dentition(1). Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended as the best form of feeding in the first six months(2).
Read moreThe Perfect Start; Chiropractic for kids
Imagine you’re an Olympic sprinter. You’re chasing your first ever gold medal and you feel you have a very good chance at winning this time around. Your training went perfectly, your body feels in top form and you’re the most confident you’ve ever been for a race.
Now imagine, that as the gun signals the start of the race, you slip just ever so slightly, your perfect start is ruined and the rest of the sprinters now have a head start of a few hundredths of a second. Will you still win the race?
Read moreQuality vs. Quantity… why not both?
It’s common knowledge that we are living longer and longer and a quick Google search tells me that there are anywhere from 150 to 600 people that are currently 110+ years old. On top of this the aging population in New Zealand continues to grow; the 2013 Census showing 73,000 people above the age of 85, this was a 29.4% increase in this age group compared to the 2006 Census (Yes, I love a good stat.)
I am going somewhere with the points above and that is the conversation around ‘quality of life’, which has been coming up A LOT in practice lately
Read moreResearch gives Chiropractic care during pregnancy a thumbs up!
“Women who received chiropractic adjustments in their third trimester were able to carry and deliver their child with much more comfort” – Irvin Henderson, MD
Are your aches and pains growing alongside your baby bump? Or maybe you worry about how your body will be able to withstand the rigours of labour.
Read moreWorking In The Dark: The nuts and bolts of chiropractic
Have you ever tried completing tasks in the dark? Or a dimly lit room? How difficult is it to know what is going on around you, let alone try and do things in that environment?
If you know it’s easier to do things when you can see and interpret everything that’s going on around you, wouldn’t you want the same working conditions for what’s going on inside your body?
Read moreIt's time to stop IGNORING your check engine light!
Have you ever had car trouble? I sure have and it is certainly not something you can plan for. When I was a student driving an absolute bomb of a car, not long before the summer break my engine light started to come on. At first it was intermittent but then it became constant and this is when I started to notice that something just wasn’t running quite right.
Read moreHow come my baby's head is a funny shape?
A question I get asked almost daily as a Chiropractor working with infants and children.
So, I thought why not write a blog outlining the “Why” behind head shape changes in children. I’m sure we have all seen that baby or young child that has had a flattening or head turning preference to one side before? This flattening or changes to the shape of an infant’s skull is called Plagiocephaly.
Read moreTo see is to know: The Purpose and Importance of Spinal X-rays
A question we often get asked, is “Why do we take X-rays?”. X-rays are a valuable tool in assessing the health of your spine and in making the correct adjustments to help your body thrive. What can they tell us and why are they important?
Read moreFrom Pregnancy to Family Wellness
t usually starts out like this: An expecting mother walks into our office, referred by her friends, her searches online, or her Lead Maternity Care provider, she is looking for help with a symptom she’s developed during the pregnancy.
Read moreSleeping your way to wellness
Everyone loves a good sleep, whether it’s sleeping for a solid 12 hours or a simple half hour nap in the afternoon, we’ve all been there. But why do we sleep? Do we understand just how much our sleep really affects us?
Read morePosture, why it is so important
With the kids going back to school and the rest of us back at work I want to bring posture to your attention. With those heavy school bags and long days in the office, posture is something to be aware of, even during our downtime.
We are always being told to sit up straight, stop slouching and stand tall. But why is good posture important and how do we achieve it?
Read moreKids and Chiropractic: Growing healthy kids
ollowing on from our blog ‘Why should I take my infant to a chiropractor’ I wanted to write about the benefits of children being seen by a chiropractor, so I started researching and writing and writing and writing. Only to realise that I cannot cover all the benefits children can experience when receiving chiropractic care in one blog! So instead I have decided to break it down and focus on a different benefit each blog;
Read moreIs it safe to manipulate or 'crack' your own spine?
Many people are guilty 'self-adjusting', whether it be twisting their head to get that ‘pop’ in the neck, getting a bear hug from a friend or stretching over the back of a chair to get that satisfying ‘pop’ in their back to relieve the feeling of stiffness. But is this safe or could this habit be causing long term damage?
Read moreWhy should I take my infant to see a Chiropractor?
Research has shown that of 1500 newborns examined at least 90% of them had suffered birth trauma and associated strain through the neck and cranial areas. Many parents are now taking their infants to be seen by a chiropractor to be adjusted and reverse any subluxations caused as a result of birth trauma. This can help soothe a unsettle baby, improve beastfeeding, sleep and so much more.
Read moreThe Amazing Baby Brain!
We see a lot of babies at EBC and subsequently talk with parents who are trying to make the best decisions for their precious little ones. There is so much information for new parents to filter and digest when it comes to parenting that it can become overwhelming. Combining this with the busy lives we live it is challenging to find information that we can rely on. The author of Well Adjusted Babies and Ticklish, Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani is a fantastic resource for parents wanting a holistic approach to raising healthy, happy and resilient children.
Read morePillow Talk
Studies have shown that insufficient sleep increases a person’s chance of developing health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and can impact significantly on mental health. Not only this but inadequate sleep leaves the immune system weakened and more susceptible to illness.
Read moreCaring for your spine during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the body is adjusting to the new demands of nourishing and growing a tiny human. It is amazing what the body achieves in nine short (well, long for the expectant mother!) months. As a baby develops the mother’s weight and center of gravity are projected forward. These changes affect how the body and spine move, putting the spine at risk of injury. Here are a few top tips to help mums-to-be protect their spine during pregnancy;
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