Boost your immunity

Many things you read say, drink more water, get out in the sun and eat oranges, but why are these things good for our immune system? And what else can be done to help boost the immune system?

Why drink more water?

Water serves 2 functions when it comes to boosting immunity. Firstly, water carries oxygen to your cells and this process helps aid your immune system. Secondly drinking enough water helps your body to flush bacteria and toxins, that may cause infection, from your system.

 Why get out in the sun?

Vitamin D is known to help the immune system by fighting off infection and regulating the natural activity of Immune Cells. We can get Vitamin D from some foods such as salmon, tuna, and egg yolk, or we can get out in the sunshine and soak up the rays to get vitamin D (this has many other benefits as well as boosting your immune system). There are also supplements we can take if we are low in Vitamin D.

 Why eat oranges?

Oranges (and other citrus fruits) are high in Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to increase the production of white blood cells which helps fight off viruses. Having good amounts of Vitamin C not only should reduce the chances of getting the nasty winter bugs but if we do get sick it will reduce the length of time and severity of the sickness. Other foods high in vitamin C are capsicums, broccoli, strawberries, and potatoes. There are also many good supplements available to boost Vitamin C intake.

 Other things that are good to boost your immune system are:

 Get checked regularly by a chiropractor!

Chiropractic care provides a natural, non-invasive, and gentle means of supporting the immune system. Research has shown that our immune system relies on our brain and central nervous system to work together to detect and respond to anything that may harm us. When our spine is not moving properly this can hinder that connection. Getting regular adjustments helps our spines move better and our brains to better see what is going on in our bodies which can help us fight off illness.

 Getting enough, good sleep

When we sleep, our body produces protein called cytokines which are known to target inflammation and infection. Also, when we sleep our body produces white blood cells which we know play a critical role in the bodies response to infections.

 Looking after our gut health

About 70% of the immune system is in our gut. It makes sense if the microbiome in the gut is not in balance our immune system will not be in balance. Having balance means our gut is better at digestion, absorption, detoxification, and protection against germs. We can help our gut bacteria by taking a good quality probiotic or being careful with what we are eating.

 Winter bugs can get us all, but if we give our body a fighting chance at being the healthiest it can be we can not only reduce the amount of time and severity of sickness, but hopefully can reduce the chances of catching the nasty winter bugs in the first place.